Salon Tres Chic
Servicing Unionville & Markham for over 33 years
The salon is re-opening Feb. 22, 2021 for our regular clients only. Salon Tres Chic is a private coiffuer which does not allow for walk in traffic and an appointment is required. Safety protocals are emailed to all clients with a confirmation of appointment.
New Location
We have moved from 33 The Bridle Trail, just one major block east to McCowan Road, just north of 16th Ave in Unionville. No new clients are being accepted at this time. If you were or are an existing client of Helga or Lana you are welcome to our private establishment.
Product Promotion
We are celebrating Goldwell's People's choice award for 2019. Our long standing relationship has a promo offer for a large 1L shampoo for coloured treated hair with pump. This size is usually for professional use only, available for a limited time. We also offer Goldwell's 300ml bottle for you conveniece which your hair loves!